Fake Illusion Spiral Ear Taper -Black Acrylic - 3 Tribal Styles
Fake Illusion Spiral Ear Taper -Black Acrylic - 3 Tribal Styles
Fake Illusion Spiral Ear Taper -Black Acrylic - 3 Tribal Styles from Wow Jewellery Online. Cool spiral fake ear tapers. The stretched look without "stretching" Perfect fashion accessory for our cool customers.
These Fake Illusion Spiral Ear Taper are available in a Black Acrylic with your choice of 3 killer styles
Simply unscrew and pop into your standard piercing for the ultimate "fake cheater"!
1. Intertwined (approx 3cm depth)
2. Tribal Twist (approx 4.5cm depth)
3. Spiral Snake (approx 3.5cm depth)
*PRICE IS PER PIECE - there is an also an option to purchase a pair (2 pieces)
*Material: UV Acrylic
*Size: 1.2*6*6mm
*Color: Black
Chrissie C has written a topic on Fake Body Jewellery and what is trending.....
You can Read this here....https://chrissiecjewellery.com/fake-body-jwellery/